Make more informed purchasing decisions with inventory insights
Understand what’s happening right now in the market and at your company to make the best decisions for your team.
Real-time inventory insights
Market reports make purchasing decisions more informed.
Inventory insights based on past performance and future projections
Pre-built integrations connect and centralize all of your inventory data.
More insights, more data, less guessing.
With in-depth product performance monitoring, market analysis reporting, ERP integrations, and more, SupplyMover combines all of the tools for your purchasing team in one powerful, easy-to-use platform.
Maximize your profit with SupplyMover
Increase in Total Sales
Increase in Customers
Increase in New Orders
Average increase after first year of implementation
The software has been a really good tool for the sales department because every day they can see what their sales are, how long they have been on the phone, how many calls they made, and a ton of customer information.
Wendy Fahrenholz
Sales and Marketing Director – SouthPointe Wholesale
You Have Questions.
We Have Answers.
How can purchasers forecast demand with SupplyMover?
Our software captures your historical data and our distribution-specific algorithms analyze it to recognize trends and make smart predictions for you. We generate easy-to-understand graphs and reports that allow you to make informed decisions and avoid inventory problems like overstocking or stockouts.
Why do sales teams need SupplyMover?
There’s no comparison between manual methods and our sales enablement CRM when it comes to increasing productivity, sales, customer satisfaction, and employee retention. Sales reps save two hours a day with SupplyMover, giving them time back to make more sales.
What integrations are available for the CRM?
SupplyMover can integrate seamlessly with your ERP, ordering systems, payment collection platforms, email inbox and phone systems.
Will SupplyMover be easy for all employees to use?
We make adoption easy, with a simple and thorough onboarding process and ongoing support. Plus, our platform is built to be intuitive, so it’s already easy to use.
Increase revenue. Reduce waste. Request a Demo!
Request a demo of SupplyMover, the only CRM, sales enablement, and e-commerce platform built for distributors.
Orders per month
Sales per month
Customers sold to per month
Total users
Increase in total Sales per month
Increase in new Customers per month
Increase in new Order per month
0 Monthly ROI
The ROI Calculator is provided solely as an informational tool, and is not a replacement for professional advice. No warranty (express or implied) is made with respect to the ROI Calculator or any data delivered thereby, including with respect to accuracy, completeness, or fitness for a particular purpose. MedMover and its affiliates disclaim all responsibility for any loss, damage, injury, and other liability relating to or arising out of use of the ROI Calculator and/or reliance on any data delivered thereby.
More customers. More profit. Book a Demo!
Request a demo of SupplyMover, the only CRM, sales enablement, and e-commerce platform built for distributors.