Behavior-Driven Design in Distribution Software

Let’s face it, most CRMs just don’t cut it. They don’t get you what you need when you need it, and they’re not built to serve distributors, so they don’t understand your industry.
The difference between SupplyMover and 99% of CRMs is behavior-driven design. SupplyMover puts everything that a sales rep needs right in front of them when they need it. It tells them who to call and what to sell. It helps them make collaborative sales and gives them suggestions for what to offer to a customer to land or expand a sale.
SupplyMover takes all of this information that’s just sitting around and makes it viable and usable. Makes it useful.
One example is SupplyMover’s “Movers” functionality. Smart Movers uses AI to sort and select customers that are ready to interact with you. Here are some of the most useful examples of Smart Movers:
• Contact Due – The customer hasn’t been called in a certain period of time, and is ready for a check in, a call, email, or visit.
• Order Due – The customer makes orders in a timely fashion and, guess what, they’re probably ready for another one.
• Opportunities – These are the customers that are most likely to take your call or place an order right now. Based on order frequency and contact cadence this list is always up to date with contacts with the highest opportunity rating.
Automatically sorting customers like this cuts down the time your sales team spends sorting through your contacts, making them more efficient all while increasing your sales.
And SupplyMover is packed with features like this. When you’re working on a sale with a client, you have access to AI-powered suggested selling items, items that sell well together, bestseller lists, and more to help you expand that sale. And with integrated e-commerce, you can collaborate with the customer directly on their orders, answering questions as you work with them in real-time on the same shopping portal.
Schedule a 15-minute discovery call to learn more about SupplyMover’s smart features.